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Personal details:

Leon Clamor
B.A Industrial Design
Dortmund, Germany
+49 (0)15788194793

Graphics Design, Industrial Design, VFX


The story of my self founded company
A tool i programmed to speed up the process

CropDHL is a compact tool for fast processing of DHL shipping labels.

A shipping label from DHL usually consists of one DIN A4 page, where the left half can be thrown away and only a part of the right half has to be put on the package. For international orders, there is also a second page on which there is a customs declaration, which must be signed and dated. This pages I would have normally cut by hand and glued with a glue stick on the package.

CropDHL takes one or more shipping labels, looks to see if it is a document with or without a customs declaration, and then cuts the pages as needed. It also takes the customs declaration label and automatically puts the current date and a stored signature in the right places. Afterwards, all pages are merged into one large PDF file, which is then sent directly to the stored printer, where a stack of self-adhesive DIN A6 shipping labels is located in the second tray, which can be quickly applied to the package.


Only through these optimizations was it possible for me to continue to operate the business and also to study.

The company grew rapidly, but I decided to stop the business in the spring of 2023. However, Meta Customs can look back on a remarkable development within 3 years.

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Parts manufactured
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